In July 2017, the certification body (SGS) recommended that IOTA Group moves to the 2015 version of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 for the Switzerland / France scope.
Through these certifications, IOTA GROUP expresses its commitment to offer a high-quality service for the long term, reducing environmental impact and the risk of occupational accidents, and improving customers’ satisfaction and performance of their employees.
What are the benefits for our clients and consultants :
On the environmental front :
- An image vector : IOTA Group demonstrates its commitment as a corporate citizen.
- A dialogue tool that ensures the confidence of our partners (customers, clients, administrations, investors, insurers, etc.).
- A cost control tool, an environmental management system enabling us to effectively prevent incidents and minimize their impacts thanks to preventive actions, a return on investment through better savings in consumption and waste-to-waste, and motivation of the staff.
- A mobilization tool for our employees that brings together staff around a common project directly improving their professional context.
ISO 14001 becomes an indispensable passport allowing IOTA Group to access new markets and new contracts.
In terms of quality :
- Customer focus is more than ever at the center of our attention.
- Enhanced commitment of management on behalf of effective human management with a factual approach to decision-making.
- Increased staff involvement and awareness of the importance and necessity of applying quality practices on a daily basis.
- A simplified process approach.
- Management by system approach.
- Continuous improvement continues.
- Mutually beneficial relationships with our customers.
Through the implementation of this management system, IOTA Group is more proactive in this approach which enables us to meet the requirements of our clients and consultants.
For more information about our Tunisie team, our services (Talent Resourcing, Global Mobility, Gateway Services, Recruitment Solution, Training, Expert Consulting) , and our opportunities, contact us !